Last Saturday we visited Priyahita Disability Orphanage & Sanatana Dharma Orphanage in Negara with a group of 24 people.
It was a truly magnificent day, the orphanages received us with a very warm welcome and they were very happy with all the stuff we brought for them.
We were all very touched by the incredible smiles of those beautiful children.
In Priyahita Disability Orphanage some of the orphans staged amazing and moving performances for us and we had our lunch together with the orphans at Sanatana Dharma Orphanage. After our visit, we stopped in Buleleng for some photo shooting.
Here a couple of pictures of the orphanages and of all stuff that was collected, a total of IDR 13.05 million was also donated in cash.
A big thank you to all 32 people and several companies that contributed and also to the 24 people who joined, you all certainly have made a difference in the lives of these children in need. The orphans of Priyahita Disability Orphanage & Sanatana Dharma Orphanage send you their best wishes for the upcoming year 2014!