Bali says ‘Adultery Act’ cannot be enforced

DENPASAR – Bali’s travel industry has been quick to respond to reports that Indonesia will ban holiday sex between unmarried couples.

The proposal to class sex outside marriage as a criminal offence in Indonesia not only unleashed a strong reaction on social media, it also prompted Australia’s Smart Traveller website to draw attention to the proposed law in its official travel advice.

Bali is now rushing to outline the facts of the issue, namely the proposal of what is commonly mentioned as the “Adultery Act” is still a recommendation.

Miriam Tulevski, managing director Indo a Go-Go and joint country manager Visit Indonesia Tourism Office in Australia, said the proposed regulation has not been formally issued “and cannot be enforced”.

“Based on various feedback, the president of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Parliament have agreed to indefinitely postpone the passing of the bill with those new regulations,” Ms Tulevski said.

The Bali government is encouraging all parties involved in tourism – persons visiting or planning to visit, as well as industry stakeholders – to “stay calm and continue their activities (or planned activities) as usual”.

Bali Hotels Association said it is monitoring the issue and will update its members and partners “if there is any further information in regard to this matter”.

